Monday, February 8, 2010

Off to Peru

A quick update:
If you haven’t heard the detailed version of my Peruvian itinerary, and you’re interested, this is the blog post for you.

Tuesday Feb. 9th
4am Leave for the airport
6am Flight to Miami
1040pm Arrival in Lima

Tonight I will e staying at a hostel in LIMA near the airport; therefore you should give me call on skype, I will be stuck in my room.

Wednesday Feb 10th
12pm Bus ride to AREQUIPA
2am (Feb 11th) Arrival in Arequipa

When I get to Arequipa I will move into the volunteer house for Traveller not Tourist. The next day is orientation

March 8th
10am Return by bus to LIMA
11pm Move into Apu Peru Apartments

March 10th
8am Orientation at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)

July 4th
Finals Begin

July 10th
Finals End

July 15th
Return Home

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