Monday, January 11, 2010

An unapologetic apology

I have said some unkind things about bloggers and travel journalers in the past. I made my argument that the "blog" is really much more fascinating to the author than to the dutiful friends who make the obligatory blog visit when they see their friend has been fishing for comments by making a post on facebook: check out my blog, I added new pictures. Pictures are a good way to sucker people in, I like pictures.

Inevitably the post will still
be self-indulgent, and there will not be enough pictures. Much like this post (I like to think i am self-aware enough to see the irony in El Peruvian).

So if you do your duty, visit on
ce, get bored half way through and hope next time there are more pictures, you are forgiven.

I will occasionally give quippy updates on the perils and pleasures of South America. I will offer a unique glimpse into the li
ves of the beautiful people of Peru. I may seek to inspire you into action on behalf of the impoverished children of casa Hogar Luz Alba. but who I am kidding, this blog is really for me (and maybe my mom). You made your dutiful visit, and now your off the hook, unless you care to indulge me too :)


  1. FOUND YA!! Great introductory blog post. Are you sure you've never written a blog before? I don't seem like a pro.

  2. I assure you that my visits will not be obligatory. Peru is my favorite place in the world so far. So much so that I would like to live there for a year or two (in the rainforest). Peruvians are so incredibly spiritual and connected to nature; beautiful, sweet spirits. I look forward to hearing about your experiences and whether you love it as much as me. My best friend Mei (with whom I traveled to Peru and Asia) is in Peru right now (on the coast) and will be there for a couple more weeks. I hope you get to travel within the country some. It is such a large and diverse country that Peruvians in the Andes are very different from Peruvians in the northern Amazon jungle and Peruvians in Lima. Even jungle Spanish is different than Andean Spanish. Being fluent in Spanish will give you a much more rich experience than mine I believe. I eagerly anticipate your blog posts. Love you!
